Notice for RFP Image for website

Request for Proposals: Communication and Public Relations Services

The Mobile Bay National Estuary is seeking proposals for strategic communications to assist with messaging, branding, stakeholder engagement initiatives, and proactive media relations outreach that earns coverage of its activities, achievements, and initiatives. This effort includes making media pitches, facilitating interviews, and drafting press releases, articles, flyers, quotes, op-eds, and blog posts. This contract will extend through December 31, 2024, with opportunities to extend beyond.

Gulf Chat April 11

April's GulfChat- Empowering Delta Communities for Conservation and Clean Water

Empowering Delta Communities for Conservation and Clean Water


Respect the Connect

2019-2023 Comprehensive & Management Plan

Our work affects all the people, businesses, plants and animals that live in the Mobile Bay Estuary. A major component of our work is the creation of a plan, the CCMP, which helps balance the needs of all those things, so that we may all thrive here, now and for generations to come.



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