Environmental Justice Virtual Listening Session

We want to hear from you!

You are invited to take part in our Environmental Justice Listening Sessions, hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD). These listening sessions will serve as a platform to learn about GMD, hear more about the release of our first Environmental Justice Request for Applications (RFA), and allow us to learn about the issues directly affecting your communities.

Our goal is to continue building on and strengthening relationships with our partners by listening and collecting feedback to help inform our new Environmental Justice RFA. Your input is valuable to assist GMD in understanding what environmental challenges are currently impacting your communities and how those challenges can be met to ensure a more resilient and successful community.

A separate listening session will be held for each state. We encourage you to attend as many sessions as are relevant to your organization. To register, click on the links provided below. All sessions will take place from 6:00-8:00 PM Central Standard Time.

If you have any questions about these sessions, please email GCEJLS_GMD@usepa.onmicrosoft.com.

If you missed the session, visit the EPA website to see the recordings.