Fowl River Watershed Management Plan Case Statement

In 2014, Goodwyn, Mills, and Cawood were contracted by the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program to develop a comprehensive Management Plan (Plan) for the Fowl River Watershed, a process made possible by funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund. The purpose of this Plan is to protect the chemical, biological and cultural integrity and customary uses of Fowl River and its associated waters and habitats to support healthy populations of fish, shellfish, wildlife, and recreational uses. Completed in April 2016, the 500+ page Plan already has recommended measures being implemented. For example, in September 2016, a volunteer water quality monitoring program was established, and soon a comprehensive study of marsh health in the brackish zone of Fowl River will begin. To learn about the watershed and Plan goals and objectives the MBNEP is pleased to release a Plan summary, The Fowl River Watershed: Charting a Course for Preservation.

Fowl River Watershed Management Plan Case Study