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Litter Gitter

An end to littered waters in Alabama, thanks to ‘litter gitters’

MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) -News 5 Colleen Peterson set sail in the waterways of Mobile Bay with Don Bates, owner of Osprey Initiative. He invented ‘litter gitters’ which is a device that helps filter out the litter from the creeks.

His company is partnered with the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP). Rain and wind events will push the litter in the streets into the storm drains. The stormwater becomes surface water and filter into the many creeks that surround Mobile Bay.

He has a little over 20 devices around Alabama and has crews that make sure those ‘gitters’ are up to maintenance. They filter out thousands of pounds yearly and help keep our waters enjoyable.

He explains, “instead of taking 20 volunteers a day to clean up a stream bank, it can be done in an hour with two individuals.”

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Alabama businesses unite for environmental progress

By Dennis Washington
November 18, 2019

More than 200 businesses in southwest Alabama are helping each other protect air, water and land quality in their communities.

The businesses are members of Partners for Environmental Progress (PEP), a coalition of business and education leaders in the Mobile area. The goal of the group is to share science-based environmental best practices with each other and the community, giving businesses the information they need to balance business development and job creation, industrial growth and a healthy environment.


Rain Barrels Helping Alabama City Combat Flooding

Patsy Stallworth loves her rain barrels.
“I didn’t understand it at first, but after my husband explained it to me, I like it.”
Stallworth has two 55-gallon rain barrels installed at her home in the Mobile suburb of Prichard, catching up to 110 gallons of rainwater for her to use to water her flowers, wash her cars and wash the dirt off the house.
“I was amazed at how it worked,” Stallworth said. “When it rains it fills up really quickly. This is a new adventure for me.”

Article 1

Partnership Brings Trash Collection Devices to Proctor Creek Georgia

The Coca-Cola Company, the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), the City of Atlanta, West Atlanta Watershed Alliance, Groundwork Atlanta, Park Pride, and EPA Region 4 have partnered to install six innovative trash-trap systems along Proctor Creek, a tributary of the Chattahoochee River on Atlanta’s Westside.

Article 2

Mobile Bay NEP Watershed Management Plan Collaboration

On July 11, 2019, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law a bill to broaden the state’s definition of litter and increase fines and enforcement capabilities. This state-wide legislation is supported by the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP) Government Networks Committee. MBNEP recently collaborated with partners to implement comprehensive litter mitigation strategies recommended in the Three Mile Creek coastal watershed management plan.