The Eastern Shore: An Ecological and Cultural Treasure and Our Plan to Protect It
How many of you remember what the Eastern Shore of the Bay was like— many years ago— when it was just a few small coastal communities? The natural beauty of the Bay, its Watersheds and world-renowned Jubilees— the Grand Hotel overlooking it all— were even then known to be national treasures. For those of us too young to remember, if you think Fairhope and Daphne are beautiful now, check out this short film for a brief look at what it was like in day’s past. Fortunately, the MBNEP has assembled a team of some of the most experienced and sophisticated environmental engineering experts and leaders in the country, led by Thompson Engineering, to help protect these irreplaceable natural assets. Together, we are creating a Plan—blueprints, if you will—for the restoration of the waters and ecosystems of the Eastern Shore and protection of them for generations to come. Help us by taking the survey below and letting us know what about the Eastern Shore means most to you. Your feedback is crucial to our planning. And stay tuned for exciting developments in the future of our communities! Please take a moment to complete this survey :