The MBNEP applauds Senators Rubio and Scott (FL-R) for their outspoken and forceful support of the work of the National Estuary Program on the Gulf Coast

The Mobile National Estuary Program extends thanks to Florida GOP Senators Rubio and Scott for their forceful statements yesterday in support of the National Estuary Program and our important work ensuring the health and vitality of Alabama and Florida’s shared coastal environment.

Senator Rubio’s powerful statement of personal commitment to ‘restore our ecosystems, improve water quality, and boost our economies that depend on an unspoiled environment’ should be a clarion call that taking care of our coastal home is an apolitical common sense Southern value,” said Mobile Bay National Estuary Program Director, Roberta Swann.

The MBNEP applauds Senators Rubio and Scotts’ introduction and sponsorship of the Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Of National Significance Act, and we look forward to its speedy passage and adoption.

“We are delighted at the opportunity to continue our important work protecting and restoring the natural resources of our coast with a new partner and friend at the national table,” said Director Swann.

Statements from the Senators:

“Enrollment in the National Estuary Program would provide critical support for restoration, conservation, and monitoring efforts in Pensacola and Perdido Bays, and would enhance economic activity in the Florida Panhandle.”
Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R)

“I will continue to advocate to restore our ecosystems, improve water quality, and boost our economies that depend upon an unspoiled environment.”
Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R)

“Florida has made important progress in protecting our prized ecological treasures, and the hard work done by the Pensacola and Perdido Bay Estuary Program further demonstrates Floridians’ commitment to environmental stewardship.”
Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R)

“Florida’s iconic natural resources are part of what makes our state special. That’s why, during my time as Governor of Florida, the state made tremendous progress to protect and preserve Florida’s environment for generations to come. I’m proud to continue these efforts with the Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary of National Significance Act.”
Senator Rick Scott (FL-R)