Wolf Bay Watershed Management Plan Completion


Herndon Graddick
Mobile Bay National Estuary Program
hgraddick@mobilebaynep.com (251) 422-3947

Mobile Bay National Estuary Program announces publication of Wolf Bay Watershed Management Plan

Mobile Bay National Estuary Program announced this week completion and publication of its Wolf Bay Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The Plan will serve as a roadmap for citizens, policy makers, stakeholder organizations, and other groups who care about Wolf Bay to make informed decisions about potential actions having a direct effect on the health and productivity of their local waters. It includes extensive input from the public, business, and environmental communities, as well as from local and state governments.

Because Wolf Bay is designated an Outstanding Alabama Water by the Alabama Environmental Management Commission, the vision of the Wolf Bay WMP was to identify specific and achievable measures to restore, protect, conserve, and preserve features of the Watershed to help maintain its special status. As with other MBNEP-developed watershed management plans, the Wolf Bay WMP describes the current conditions of the Watershed and identifies areas of concern as well as potential actions to improve conditions of Wolf Bay and prevent degradation in the future.

The Plan is the culmination of work by the MBNEP and the team of Volkert, Inc. and Allen Engineering and Science, who were awarded the contract for plan development in 2018. Located in southwestern Baldwin County, the Greater Wolf Bay Watershed includes three sub-watersheds: the Sandy/Wolf Creek, Miflin Creek, and Graham Bayou watersheds, encompassing approximately 36,296 acres, an area almost as large as Washington, DC.

The mission of the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program is to promote the wise stewardship of Alabama’s estuaries and coast by using the best available science to measure status and trends, to restore benefits of healthy ecosystems, to build local capacity for environmental management and community resilience, and to grow the number of citizen stewards across our region.

To download a copy of the plan, please click here. Hard copies can be accessed at Foley City Hall, Graham Creek Preserve, and Elberta Town Hall.
Christian Miller, Watershed Mngt Coordinator. MBNEP cmiller@mobilebaynep.com
Paige Felts, Project Manager, Volkert, Inc. paige.felts@volkert.com