Bon Secour

In 2015, the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program contracted Volkert, Inc., along with sub consultants Louis Berger and Allen Engineering and Science, to prepare a comprehensive Watershed Management Plan (WMP) for three interconnected watersheds in southern Alabama—Bon Secour River, Oyster Bay, and Skunk Bayou.

The purpose of this WMP is to guide watershed resource managers, policy makers, community organizations, and citizens in protecting the hydrological, biological, and cultural integrity of the Bon Secour River, Oyster Bay, and Skunk Bayou watershed to ensure that these resources are preserved for future generations. This plan was completed in 2017 and is available to view or download by clicking the links below under Final Plan.

Final Plan

If you have questions about the Bon Secour Watershed Management Plan or any related restoration efforts, please feel free contact us.

Latest Uploads

Bon Secour River Watershed Hydrologic Modeling Technical Reports 10/27/2020
Habitat Conservation and Restoration Plan for Coastal Alabama Technical Reports 10/25/2019
Bon Secour Watershed Road Signage Interpretive Signage 09/26/2019
Oyster Bay Watershed Road Signage Interpretive Signage 09/26/2019
Bon Secour River Watershed Management Plan Resolution of Support Watershed Management Plans 04/11/2018
Bon Secour River, Oyster Bay, Skunk Bayou Watershed Management Plan 2017 Watershed Management Plans 04/25/2017
Habitat Mapping of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Maps and Schematics 07/16/2016
Bon Secour River Watershed Sedimentation and Water Quality Assessment Technical Reports 12/08/2014
GEMS-Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Brochures, other 11/11/2013
GEMS-Gulf Ecological Management Sites of Coastal Alabama Report Brochures, other 11/11/2013
Bon Secour River Pathogens TMDL Report Technical Reports 08/01/2009
Bon Secour, Intercoastal Waterway, Oyster Bay Sub Estuary Monitoring Program Report Technical Reports 06/15/2008
Coastal Habitat Atlas: Acquisition and Restoration Priorities of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Data 06/15/2006
Bon Secour Watershed Management Plan 2004 Watershed Management Plans 06/15/2004
Bon Secour River Watershed Survey-ADEM Technical Report Watershed Management Plans 01/19/1996

Watershed Information