The Community
Stakeholder involvement in the greater Dog River Watershed was important to the development of the Watershed Management Plan (WMP) because it allowed the community to share its aspirations for the future. This is critical to generating a shared understanding about the value of this WMP, informing its priorities, and providing the broad base of support necessary to ensure its implementation.
During the stakeholder meetings and online survey period, these key themes were prominently featured from a variety of different perspectives. Ultimately, they all revolve around the significance of improving the Watershed.
Conduct proactive education. Educational campaigns, especially targeting youth, are critical to creating a shared sense of commitment to improving water quality and the environmental conditions of the Watershed.
Take a multifaceted approach to litter. Litter issues should be addressed through a multifaceted strategy focusing on regular cleanups, stringent enforcement, recycling programs, and education based on a message of community pride.
Build connections. The prioritization of physical connections including public access to the waterways, thereby ensuring that the community—including pedestrians and cyclists—can take full advantage of the Watershed as a scenic and recreational amenity.
Focus on long-term land uses. Map for Mobile emphasizes redevelopment of properties; these activities are likely to have the greatest impact on water quality; temporary construction-related sediment should be addressed as a secondary issue.
Improve conditions along the river. Improving conditions and continued maintenance along the water bodies including trail systems, marshes, and beaches—should also be a priority to ensure that a range of desired recreational activities are supported.
Coordinate with partners. Ensuring communication between regulatory agencies, user groups, property owners, and others is important to solving complex watershed issues.
Education about the watersheds’ boundaries is needed. The general public is unaware of the greater Dog River Watershed’s boundaries; it is unlikely that many people know that they live, work, or spend time in the Watershed. For this reason, educating the public about the Watershed and the relationship between activities and water quality is critically important.