Weeks Bay

The purpose of this WMP is to guide watershed resource managers, policy makers, community organizations, and citizens to protect the chemical, biological, and cultural integrity of the Weeks Bay Watershed, and specifically its waters and habitats supporting healthy populations of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and providing recreation in and on these waters of coastal Alabama. This plan was completed in 2017 and is available to view or download by clicking the links below under Final Plan.

Final Plan

Latest Updates

Magnolia River Restoration is underway

If you have questions about the Weeks Bay Watershed Management Plan or any related restoration efforts, please feel free contact us.

Latest News

Contractor Notice Image for website 2

Notice to Contractors: Lower Fish River Restoratio...

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:Sealed bids will be received by Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP), A...

47 Million in NFWF Funding 1

Governor Ivey Announces $47 Million in National Fi...

Governor Kay Ivey announced on Thursday that The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) recent...

Notice for RFQ Image for website

Notice for Request for Statements of Qualification...

NOTICE FOR REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ): Interested firms should respond with a le...

Latest Uploads

Lower Fish River Restoration Phase II Project Overview Fact Sheets 12/13/2024
Summer 2023: Spring Branch Springing to Life Newsletters 10/01/2023
Marlow “Spring Branch” Restoration Project Request for Proposals 12/10/2021
Magnolia River Watershed Road Signage Interpretive Signage 06/01/2021
Borrow Pits to Regional Detention along Magnolia River: A Constructed Wetland Feasibility Study Report Technical Reports 02/02/2021
Habitat Conservation and Restoration Plan for Coastal Alabama Technical Reports 10/25/2019
Weeks Bay Watershed Management Plan Resolution of Support Technical Reports 06/04/2018
Weeks Bay Watershed Management Plan Appendices 2017 Watershed Management Plans 01/02/2018
Weeks Bay Watershed Management Plan 2017 Watershed Management Plans 11/01/2017
Habitat Mapping of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Maps and Schematics 07/16/2016
Fish River Watershed Assessment, Pre-Restoration, Marlon Cook Technical Reports 01/09/2016
Fish River Flood Stages with Proposed Retention Ponds Presentations 07/10/2014
GEMS-Gulf Ecological Management Sites of Coastal Alabama Report Brochures, other 11/11/2013
GEMS-Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Brochures, other 11/11/2013
Weeks Bay Water Quality: Land Use Land Cover and Climate Change Brochures, other 10/08/2013
Fish River & Magnolia River Watershed Study Presentation ~revised Presentations 07/10/2012
Fish River Pathogen Source Tracking Addendum Technical Reports 03/16/2012
Fish River & Magnolia River Hydrologic Modeling Technical Reports 10/19/2011
Fish River & Magnolia River Watershed Study Technical Reports 08/01/2011
Fish River Land Use Impacts Study Technical Reports 03/17/2011
Fish River Pathogen Source Tracking Technical Reports 03/16/2011
Fish River Shoreline Assessment Final Report Technical Reports 06/15/2010
Magnolia River Watershed Sediment Loading Rates Technical Reports 06/15/2009
Coastal Habitat Atlas: Acquisition and Restoration Priorities of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Data 06/15/2006
Weeks Bay Watershed Management Plan 2002 Watershed Management Plans 06/15/2002

Watershed Information